These are the tools I use in my UX design work at least once a week in 2019:
- 13" MacBook Air (2018)
- Magic Trackpad
- Alfred: A meta tool like Apple’s Spotlight, but much more powerful. With “workflows”, I can turn certain apps on or off – even OSX’s native Dark Mode – via keyboard shortcut.
- f.lux: to reduce the amount of blue light on my MacBook.
- Moom: to move and resize windows via keyboard shortcuts.
- GIF Brewery for creating GIF which I can, for example, put into Google Slides.
- Byword for writing Markdown
- Evernote for notes and bookmarks
- Keynote and Google Slides for presentations
- Google Sheets for crunching numbers
Wireframing, Lo-Fi Prototyping
- Pen and paper
- Sketch
- Marvel App / InVision
Hi-Fi Prototyping, Interaction Design
- Axure
- Pug, an extremely minimalistic whitespace-controlled templating language
- Codepen for quick web interactions using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (or meta languages)
- VS Code
- Node
- Gulp
- GitHub, BitBucket
- Terminal / command line
- 11ty, a static site generator that works with Nunjucks, Liquid, Pug, Markdown, and other template languages – which I use for this site.
Testing, Analytics
- Optimizely for A/B tests
- Adobe Analytics
- Webpagetest and Webpagetest API for testing web page performance
- Google Lighthouse for ad hoc performance audits
- Mouseflow for heatmaps
- Google Puppeteer for automating screenshot capturing